Monday, September 24, 2012

Ariadne's Quotes

Interesting "the thread (sutra) is describe as linking  'this world to the oder and all beings'. The thread is both atman (self) and prana (breath) and is linked to the central point in the cosmos, the sun. It is wirtten that the thread must 'in all things be followed back to its source' (Chevalier and Cheerbrant) ( pg 4)

Insightful: "everything that constitutes a core experience of human life -  has been put into symbol and tales which, for all their manifold variety. often share striking resemblances to one another, where on this planet they have been brought into being. Symbolism is language that transcends race, geography, and time. It is the natural Esperanto of humanity." (pg. 17)

Confusing: "Myths and ritual involving immersion in water (baptism), purification (lustration)  the deluge (the flood), the submersion of lost continents (Atlantis), the dissolution  of the oldest order and the precipitation of the new (the stories of Noah and of Deucalion, or of Armageddon and the Apocalypse), all fit together so as to 'make up a symbolic system which in a sense pre-existed them all'.

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